AL.067 Encoder temperature warning – Delta servo troubleshooting

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Name Description ALM WRN SRV ON Clear


Encoder temperature warning

Encoder temperature exceeds the warning level.

(But it is still within the protective range.)


Causes Checking Method Actions
Encoder temperature exceeds the warning level. (But it is still within
the protective range 85°C to 100°C, 185°F to 212°F.)
Check the setting: Set the value of P0-02 to 120 to display the temperature.
  1. Improve heat dissipation or reduce the loading of operation. The temperature should be lower than 100°C (212°F).
  2. If the encoder’s temperature is higher than the motor’s (more than 30°C (86°F)). Please send the motor back to the distributors.

(The above information is referenced from Delta Electronics IMSBU)

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