AL.06A The absolute coordinate not initialized – Delta servo troubleshooting

<= See All alarms of Delta servo

Name Description ALM WRN SRV ON Clear


The absolute
coordinate not

The absolute origin coordinate has not been created. The possible causes might be:

  1. The motor is used for the first time.
  2. The battery had run dry but has replaced a new one causing the loss of absolute position.
  Yes The alarm can be cleared after creating the absolute origin coordinate.

Causes Checking Method Actions
Voltage of the battery is normal, but the encoder loses number of

  1. The motor is used for the first time.
  2. The battery had run dry but has replaced a new one.
  3. Poor connection or disconnection of the battery power circuit.
  1. Check if the absolute origin coordinate has been created.
  2. Check the encoder wiring.
  3. Check the connection between the battery box and the servo drive.
  1. Create the absolute origin coordinate.
  2. Ensure the battery wiring and execute homing again.

(The above information is referenced from Delta Electronics IMSBU)

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One thought on “AL.06A The absolute coordinate not initialized – Delta servo troubleshooting

  • 2023-12-11 at 12:40:21

    Absolut position set karna


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