AL.095 No external regenerative resistor error – Delta servo troubleshooting

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no external regenerative resistor error

As for the 220V 5.5 kW model or above, if the value of P1-53 is not 0 and the external regenerative resistor or the brake is not connected, the alarm occurs.   Yes DI.ARST

Causes Checking Method Actions
The input of regenerative resistor capacity is over 0 and the servo drive does not connect to external regenerative resistor
  1. Check if it is connected to regenerative resistor.
  2. Check if the setting value of P1-53 is 0.
  1. If wishing to apply regenerative brake, please connect to external regenerative resistor. Then, check if the setting of P1-53 is correct.
  2. If not applying to regenerative brake, please set P1-53 to 0.
  3. If the issue persists after conducting the above two steps, please send the drive back to distributors or contact Delta.

(The above information is referenced from Delta Electronics IMSBU)

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Other reasons Checking Method Actions

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