AL.025 The Internal of the Encoder is Error – Delta servo troubleshooting

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Name Description ALM WRN SRV ON Clear


The internal memory of the encoder and the internal counter are in error   NO Re-power on

Causes Checking Method Actions
The internal of the encoder is error.
(The internal memory and the internal counter are error)
  1. Check if the servo is properly grounded.
  2. Check if the encoder cable separates from the power supply or the high-current circuit to avoid the interference.
  3. Check if the shielding cables are used in the wiring of the encoder
  1. Please connect the UVW connector (color green) to the heat sink of the servo drive.
  2. Please check if the encoder cable separates from the power supply or the high-current circuit.
  3. Please use shielding mesh.
  4. If issue persists, please send the drive back to the distributors or contact with Delta.
When power on, the motor operates because of mechanical inertia or other causes
  1. When power on, please make sure the motor shaft stands still and will not operate.
  1. When power on, please make sure the motor shaft stands still and will not operate.

(The above information is referenced from Delta Electronics IMSBU)

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Other reasons Checking Method Actions

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