AL.219 Para is locked when executing PR Writing cmd – Delta servo troubleshooting

<= See All alarms of Delta servo

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Para locked when PR Writing cmd executing

Para is locked when executing PR Writing cmd



Trigger condition

and cause

  • Condition: this parameter is write-protected.
  • Cause: the parameter write-protected function is enabled.

Checking method

and corrective action

Check if the parameter and data array protection function (P5.097) is enabled.
How to clear the alarm? <See below>

(The above information is referenced from Delta Electronics IMSBU)

---  ↓ The following content is contributed by users ↓---


When certain functions are enabled, some parameters of Delta servo will be locked and cannot be written.


Check whether the following functions are enabled:

  1. High speed capture P5-39.X0=1
  2. High speed compare P5-59.X0=1
  3. Electric CAM P5-88.X0=1


How to clear? Based on the content of the above link

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