AL.127 PDO Write prohibited while Servo Enabled – Delta servo troubleshooting

<= See All alarms of Delta servo

Name Description ALM WRN SRV ON Clear Way


PDO Write prohibited while Servo Enabled

PDO object is write-protected when servo drive is on (enabled)


NMT:Reset node 或0x6040.Fault Reset

Trigger condition

and cause

PDO object is write-protected (unchangeable) when the servo drive is on (enabled).

Checking method

and corrective action

Make sure no specified object is written when the servo drive receives or sends PDO in the Servo On state.

How to clear the alarm? NMT: reset node, 0x6040 fault reset, or DI.ARST.

(The above information is referenced from Delta Electronics IMSBU)

---  ↓ The following content is contributed by users ↓---


  • The object mapped to the PDO is prohibited from writing while the drive is enabled (servo on).


When the driver is enabled (servo on), please do not write this type of PDO.
How to clear? Same as above 

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